Today, as promised, we’ll talk about how to mix quotation marks with other punctuation. Quotation Marks with Commas and Periods. One of the most common question people ask me is whether periods and commas go inside or outside a closing quotation mark, and there’s a reason everyone is confused.


2007-07-08 · Therefore, no period after war is used. Rule 3. When you have a question outside quoted material AND inside quoted material, use only one question mark and place it inside the . quotation mark. Example Did she say, "May I go?" Rule 4. Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Note that the period goes inside all quote marks.

Commas should also always go inside the quotation mark. Other Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations. Example: Dan said: "In a town outside Brisbane, I saw 'Tourists go home' written on a wall. But then someone told me, 'Pay it no mind, lad.' "Note that the period goes inside both the single and double quotation marks. Around the title of a periodical article or book chapter when the title is used in the text (do not use quotation marks in the reference list entry) Sherman’s (2019) article “The Art of Giving Feedback” addressed how nurses can give effective feedback. Should I place the in-text citation before or after the period?

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When you have a question outside quoted material AND inside quoted material, use only one question mark and place it inside the . quotation mark. Example Did she say, "May I go?" Rule 4. Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Note that the period goes inside all quote marks. When you're using quotation marks, it's hard to know where the adjacent punctuation is supposed to go.

4. Punctuation before and after quotation marks When you are quoting a sentence or phrase that ends the sentence, the period should always go before the last quotation mark, even if it is not the end of the sentence in the original source. Commas should also always go inside the quotation mark. Other

Around the title of a periodical article or book chapter when the title is used in the text (do not use quotation marks in the reference list entry) Sherman’s (2019) article “The Art of Giving Feedback” addressed how nurses can give effective feedback. 3. Does the comma go inside or outside the quote? The most common way to indicate speech is to write dialogue in quotation marks and attribute it to a speaker with dialogue tags, such as he said or she said or Margaret replied or chirped Hiroko.

Does quotation go after period

A period can be used to introduce a block quotation when the introductory text stands on its own as a complete sentence. In such cases, a colon is also proper⁠—and sometimes preferable. No punctuation. When the quoted material flows directly from your introductory text, no punctuation should be used before the quotation.

…When you added the letter “s,” did it make  Mar 19, 2014 In America, commas and periods always (well, we can't think of an exception, but we better say "almost always") go inside the closing quotation  Jan 26, 2012 Does that punctuation mark go inside or outside of the quotation marks? periods and commas should always go inside quotation marks.

At the end of the quote put the period after the last word of th When a comma or period is needed after a quotation, publishers in the United States typically put the punctuation mark before the closing quotation mark. The reason for this convention is to improve the appearance of the text. The convention goes back at least to the nineteenth century. With only one exception, the period always comes inside closing quotation marks. This rule applies even if only one quoted word ends the sentence. For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook. The MLA Handbook notes, “By convention, commas and periods that directly follow quotations go inside the closing quotation marks” (88).
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Unless you're a journalist, or publishing fiction.

a) Incorrect: APA doesn’t require you to include a list of tables or a list of figures. However, it is advisable to do so if your text is long enough to feature a table of contents and it includes a lot of tables and/or figures. A list of tables and list of figures appear (in that order) after your table of contents, and are presented in a similar way. Use single quotation marks for quotations within quotations.
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Does quotation go after period

• Commas or periods always precede closing quotation marks of quoted material. Two examples: (1) There are no “ifs,” “ands,” or “buts” about it. (2) He said “yes,” and she said “no.” • Colons and semicolons always follow closing quotation marks of quoted material.

For other punctuation marks, where the closing punctuation goes depends on which idea it refers to (the sentence or the quote). In a word, no. See, there’s a hierarchy of sorts in punctuation. The exclamation mark trumps the question mark, and both trump the period. Use just one ending punctuation mark with quotation marks.

Officially, a period will always go before the quotation mark. You will notice in numerous posts that I do not follow this rule, simply because sometimes it does not 

To write proper English, you need to follow all the punctuation rules, even the illogical ones. Punctuation with quotations gives many people problems.

The MLA Handbook notes, “By convention, commas and periods that directly follow quotations go inside the closing quotation marks” (88). Thus, in the following sentence, the comma is placed after taught: “You’ve got to be carefully taught,” wrote Oscar Hammerstein II. The main problem that people have with using quotes is also a fundamental one: does the period at the end of the quote go inside or outside of the quotation marks? The period is unique among punctuation marks in that, yes, it always goes inside the quotation marks.